That’s right, we’re here to make your next holiday destination the easiest choice you’ll ever make! One word: KINGSTON. Okay, we’ve got a few more words…
Kingston SE is located on Meintangk-Moandik Country in the Limestone Coast and is approximately 300km’s from Adelaide. Imagine this: stunning beaches, local eateries, parks, gardens, sporting and recreational facilities… Yes, it’s a dream for the whole family!
Now introducing: Sea & Sand Carnival.

For the first time ever, Fringe is coming to Kingston! As part of the Fringe on Tour regional program, this all ages, inclusive and free community event includes 2 hours of Fringe entertainment.
Starting at 5:30pm Erin Fowler of EGG will host an evening of entertainment. On the line-up we’ve got MANBO, Plastica Fantastica, Holy Bin Amoley, Snake Pit and so many more. Oh, and don’t forget to have a photoshoot in the vibrant Fringe Caravan!
You’ll want to set aside a couple of days to explore the area, including discovering the beautiful conservation parks, going for a swim at the beach (don’t forget your snorkel) and stopping for a tonne of photos with Larry the Lobster.

Have we got you interested? Check out the Kingston Fringe List.