Recurring Donations
Giving regularly to Arts Unlimited, whether monthly, quarterly or annually, is not just beneficial for you, but has a profound impact on artists, venues and marginalised community groups who participate in Adelaide Fringe. Here are some reasons why giving regularly is important:
1. They’re automated, so you don’t have to think about it
Regular giving can be set up as a recurring payment, which means you don’t have to remember to donate every time you want to give—donating is something you can tick off your to-do list.
2. Increase your impact over time
Donating regularly to Arts Unlimited allows you to leave a lasting impact on Adelaide Fringe. Regular donations can accumulate into a substantial contribution over time, often having a bigger impact than once-off gifts. You can make a lasting impact and leave a legacy for years to come!
3. It’s easier on your budget
We know money is tight right now. Monthly contributions can be more affordable and easier to budget than larger one-time donations. By breaking the donation into smaller regular amounts, you can provide meaningful support without draining your bank account.
4. Take advantage of a tax benefit
All donations over $2 are tax deductible in Australia, meaning that you can reduce your taxable income. By making a regular donation of a set amount—whether monthly, quarterly or annually—you can easily keep track of your donations, making philanthropy both fulfilling and financially savvy.
5. Enhance artists’ financial stability
Regular donations ensure that Arts Unlimited can offer grants and ongoing support to artists. This stability allows artists to focus on their work without the constant pressure of financial insecurity.
6. Contributes to the sustainability of Adelaide Fringe
As an independent, not-for-profit organisation, Adelaide Fringe must continue to source funding support for artists, venues and communities to participate in Adelaide Fringe—without these, we don't have a festival! Consistent financial support helps Adelaide Fringe plan for the future, ensuring the long-term sustainability of arts and culture in South Australia. Regular donations provide more grants to participate and tickets to community groups.
7. Build a like-minded community
By contributing regularly, you’re not just supporting the arts—you’re joining a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for the arts and Adelaide Fringe. You can foster a more vibrant and connected arts scene in South Australia.
8. Together, we can make Adelaide Fringe the most inclusive festival in the world
By choosing to donate regularly, you become an essential part of providing support and initiatives that remove the barriers for participants and audience to participate in Adelaide Fringe. Together, we can provide grants to make every show accessible for both performers and audiences. We can help fund the next generation of First Nations, diverse and first-timer Fringe artists. We can ensure those from regional areas and communities experiencing disadvantage, including category 1-4 schools, can become audience members and maybe even future performers. Your donations help us achieve our vision, to make Adelaide Fringe the most inclusive festival in the world.
Become a regular donor. Set up a recurring donation today!
Become a regular donor. Set up a recurring donation today!
You Make a Difference
Our grant recipients and community groups are eternally grateful for the support of our Arts Unlimited donors. Without your donations, the extent of their participation in Fringe would not be possible!
Banner image: Penny James. Photo: kwpx.