Our Vision

Our vision is to make Adelaide Fringe the most inclusive festival in the world, by providing support and initiatives that remove the barriers for participants and audience to participate in Adelaide Fringe. 

More ramps, less steps
From Auslan interpreters to audio description. We want to make every show accessible for both performers and audiences.

Bigger Applause and Smaller Fees
From Rainbow Serpent to Rainbow Flag, we're helping fund the next generation of First Nations, Diverse and first-timer Fringe artists.

From Far Away to the Front Row  
We want to ensure those from regional areas and communities experiencing disadvantage can become audience members and maybe even future performers.

Ways to Support

Whatever donation you make, you are helping make arts unlimited! Want to make a regular donation? Read about the benefits of giving regularly here.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible. 

Your donation supports the following initiatives...

Community Fund

Our vision is to make Adelaide Fringe the most inclusive festival in the world. The Community Fund exists to purchase Fringe tickets for community and school groups experiencing disadvantage who would not otherwise be able to experience Fringe. Through this initiative, we can transport people from their everyday lives, inspire future creatives and bring people together through the arts.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, in 2024 we were able to engage with more of our community than ever before with more than 5,700 tickets gifted to disadvantaged community groups reaching 52 organisations and 68 schools groups.

Is your organisation interested in being a Community Fund recipient?
Community Fund is proudly supported by Lutheran Care. Thanks to their generosity, Fringe can reach more communities experiencing disadvantage than ever before.
circus performers on stage in front of an audience of school children all wearing hats and uniforms
School’s Out at Gluttony. Photo: Chloe Elizabeth, Adelaide Fringe 2022
“We were gifted 4 tickets to the 360 All Stars show. I went with my husband and our 2 kids (aged seven and four). We had never seen anything like it—the smiles on my kids' faces were priceless. Almost every night since, our kids have been inspired to do a show in our lounge room, complete with tickets, dancing and different tricks they have been practising. our son was also excited to tell his classmates all about it in show and tell. Big thanks. We couldn't have otherwise afforded to do anything at Fringe right now, so it was wonderful to be able to give our family this experience."

Jessica - Lutheran Care Emergency Relief client
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a group of dancers on stage with limbs all intertwined
Betwixt. Photo: Anastasia Comelli, Adelaide Fringe 2023
“The Adelaide Fringe Fund is the bees knees if you're looking to get your idea up and running in this year's Fringe. Without the support of this valuable funding, I would not have been able to leave this year's Fringe with a pay cheque, which in these tough times is more important than ever in the arts industry.”

Tommy Eyers, Tommy Eyers: Job "Seeker", 2024 Artist Fund Recipient

Adelaide Fringe Fund

Adelaide Fringe presents grants and development opportunities throughout the year with the aim of removing the financial barriers for artists and venues to participate in Adelaide Fringe as well as opportunities to collaborate with creative organisations to develop works - both opportunities contribute to the diversity of the Fringe program and development of audiences across all genres.

With the help of our generous donors, these grants help us elevate diverse voices, and support all forms of expression which enrich our festival offerings.

In 2024, the support of our donors enabled 264 artists and venues to participate in this year's festival through grants dispersed via Adelaide Fringe Fund. Unfortunately due to limited funds, 273 applicants missed out. Our aim in 2025 is to support these applicants to participate in the 2025 Adelaide Fringe - your donation today will help.
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Accessible Arts

Our aim is to make Adelaide Fringe as accessible and inclusive as possible. This funding supports accessibility initiatives including Auslan interpreters and audio description across the program, and increased accessible services at registered Fringe venues. Imagine if we could make every venue that takes part in Adelaide Fringe fully accessible!? We believe we can, but we need your help!

"It is so important for arts to be accessible to both artists and the audience. Live performance unites communities.”

Nicky Tsz Tung, Leslie & Anita: Fallen Stars of Hong Kong, 2024 Artist Fund Recipient
a auslan interpreter at the front of a stage, interpreting the words of a person speaking into a microphone behind them
Adelaide Fringe Awards. Photo: Bee Saint-James, Adelaide Fringe 2023

Donor Impact

Read what Arts Unlimited was able to achieve in 2024 thanks to the generosity of our Donor Circle, State Government and Fringe community. For a plain text copy of this document, click here.

Join the Donor Circle

Don't worry, we don't want your organs. But if your heart belongs to Fringe, we have the group for you. Tax deductible gifts of above $1k will put you into the Donor Circle—our community of Fringe Visionaries, Champions, Innovators and Friends.

By joining our Donor Circle, you help to ensure Adelaide Fringe remains accessible, supportive and inspiring for all artists and audiences.

You Make a Difference

Our Grant Recipients are eternally grateful for the support of our Arts Unlimited donors. Without these funds, the extent of their participation in Fringe would not be possible!
“With the help of the Fringe Fund we were able to support the show in marketing, venue hire and registration and this made the world of difference. We were also able to pay some of the fees and per diems of our artists and crew and this helped immensely. Thank you Adelaide Fringe.”

Karen Roberts, Sex & Other Philosophies, 2024 Artist Fund Recipient

“Although I would have proceeded without the grant, I think I would have really struggled as the producer and the process would have been far more stressful. Having the funding early on gave me a boost of confidence that there was an audience out there for Aboriginal theatre and that people were interested in the play. The grant allowed more room to breathe creatively and meant I could pay all actors at industry rates and didn't have to do everything on a shoe string. We were able to invest in additional rehearsal time and other elements to ensure the play was elevated and a success.”

Jannali Jones, Trail's End, 2024 Artist Fund Recipient
“The $5000 grant from The Artist fund provided us with the financial safety net to create a new project that reflected our values of diverse representation in an environment that is supportive of the artists. Beyond the immediate impact on the show season, the grant has given us a profound sense of gratitude and purpose. It serves as a reminder that the support of organizations like the Adelaide Fringe Foundation play a key role in providing opportunities for new artists and works to flourish. We are determined to continue the work we have started this season, creating wonderful shows, and providing a space a wide range of artists in a supportive environment.”

Merryn Cheoweth, Fringe For Kids, 2023 Artist Fund Recipient
Foundation Board Members

The Adelaide Fringe Foundation Board:

David Pearson - Chair
Fiona Sinclair
Francis Wong
Julie Fraser
Karen Hayes
Maria Panagiotidis
Matt Tarrant
Sam Harvey
Sarah Rohrsheim

Leave a Gift in Will

Do you want to keep the Fringe party going long after you’ve headed off?

Leave a legacy to support the future of the arts in South Australia for generations to come, through a Gift in Will to Arts Unlimited. Help fund the after party!

The Sarah Rohrsheim Fellowship Award

Sarah Rohrsheim, member of Adelaide Fringe Foundation board and Adelaide Fringe Donor Circle has created the Sarah Rohrsheim Adelaide Fringe Fellowship Award of $25,000 annually to an artist to assist in the cost of presenting their work nationally or internationally. Thanks to this generous donation of $75,000 over three years (2023, 2024 and 2025), this award celebrates Adelaide Fringe artists on a global scale. We are incredibly grateful for this generous gift.
Sarah Rohrsheim Fellowship Award Recipients
2023 Charlie Caper and Malin Nilsson, More Minor Miracles
2024 Chloe Castledine - So Fresh! Hits of the 2000s and 80's Ladies
three people in an embrace holding awards and signs saying "winner" in front of a silver and pink glittery backdrop
Charlie Caper, Sarah Rohrsheim and Malin Nilsson at 2023 Adelaide Fringe Awards. Photo: Jack Timberlake, 2023
Arts Unlimited would like to thank our Philanthropic Partners for their ongoing support.

Corporate Support

Arts Unlimited also calls on the corporate community to amplify the impact our donors make.

In 2024, some Adelaide Fringe Partners are supporting Arts Unlimited in ways that make a huge impact. These include:
  • Lumo Energy SA, MGA Whittles Community Foundation, and the Uraidla Hotel were matching partners on our 2nd annual Giving Day, helping us reach $101K in donations to our Community Fund to purchase more tickets than ever for community groups experiencing disadvantage and low-socioeconomic school groups
  • Foodland + Fringe tote bags were on sale in Foodland stores across South Australia, with 50 cents from every bag sold donated to Arts Unlimited
  • Bowden Brewing created a limited edition Fringe FestivAle with part proceeds from all sales supporting Arts Unlimited.

For more information on how your business can support, please contact the Partnerships team via email.
A Foodland x Fringe tote bag with a cat playing a guitar on it, situated on top of the lemons, limes and oranges in the fruit and veg section of Foodland
Foodland Bag. Photo:Jenny Kwok, Adelaide Fringe 2024