Fringe Feed

The Defiant - Seven female and gender queer artists stand facing the camera with torn clothes and war paint on their faces with a stark deserted landscape behind them. They have expressions that range from determined to fierce, resigned to playful. The colours in clothes, face paint and background are faded greens, maroon and faded grey.

The Defiant

Audience Reacts

  • Standing ovation 1
  • Bang for your buck 2
Bang for your buck
Bang for your buck
25 February 2023 - Andrew J.
Amazing talent, wonderful music, and an all-round sensational show. Well done to the artists involved.
Bang for your buck
Bang for your buck
25 February 2023 - Conrad H.
The music and the circus skills combine to provide an exhilarating show. This was an award winner in 2022 and you have the perfect opportunity to see it if you missed it then.
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