Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Ashleigh Rathjen | 01 March 2023
The onstage ensemble, only seven performers, is a mix of strength, elegance, and ferocity. Intrinsic to the success of each set of tricks and skills is both a athleticism equal among all cast, and a trust that only performers who put their lives in others hands could imagine. By matching these with powerhouse music and vocals from the 8th member of the on stage ensemble, this is a fantastic show.  An underlying post-apocalyptic setting helps to move the performance through each set of skills, and the performers change and move through the scenes with such fluidity and precision that if anything had gone wrong or was out of step audience members wouldn’t be able to tell.  The music fits the show perfectly, with strong moody tones to match the performers. Meanwhile the skills are performed with such effortlessness you would be forgiven for thinking the performers didn’t need to breathe! But each of the more difficult tricks is breathtaking, as you watch them carefully get into place. There are moments of synchronicity which showcase just how well this team works together, and each performer’s own skillset is highlighted at least once throughout the show. From work on the pole, to trapeze, stacking chairs and silks, and everything in between, there is something for everyone. There are no weak links, and each performer plays an important role in making this show a pleasure to watch.  If you want to see an aerial show while the Fringe is on, don’t go past this one.