This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2024 season. This season is now over.

Tracy Crisp: Stitches - A woman standing next to a sewing mannequin. She has her back to the camera but her face is turned towards the camera. She is measuring the waist of a mannequin with her tape measure. The background is orange. She is surrounded by sewing things, the mannequin, a Singer sewing machine, and in the foreground a storage container overflowing with fabric and other sewing notions.

Tracy Crisp: Stitches

Theatre and Physical Theatre • Comedy
South Australia • World Premiere

In my sixth solo show, I’m trying something new: finishing a new dress at each performance. And not just any dress, the dress I'll wear to my funeral. (Don’t worry, there's nothing's wrong, I'm just being prepared--if I leave it to my family they might send me off to the afterlife in something that doesn’t have pockets). Each new dress will be added to a mannequin on stage, meaning the show slowly evolves over the season. Everyone sees the same show, but with a slight difference. A story about the way we piece our lives together bit by bit, told with the mix of laughs and poignancy you've come to expect.


Presented by: Tracy Crisp

I’m presenting 3 shows: ‘Stitches’; ‘Pearls (Unstitched)’; and a very limited return season of my performance show, ‘Pearls’. Each show stands alone, but I love to weave connections between all my work. I also love to create shows that offer the full emotional journey, from laughter to tears and back again.

In ‘Stitches’, I’ll be telling you the story of my sewing journey, while I finish a new dress every night. And not just any dress, the dress I want to wear to my funeral.

In something completely different, a visual arts show, ‘Pearls (Unstitched)’. Thirty years after my mum died, I unstitched my wedding dress then stitched the text of my play, Pearls, onto the dress. One of the most enriching experiences of my life. Accompanied by a limited season performing 'Pearls' in the gallery

Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts

  • Hidden Gem 2
  • Standing ovation 4

    the mix of comedy and sentiment is unerring, with a rhythm that makes you laugh out loud and then makes you truly think. Not to be missed! - Jan Kershaw, Glam Adelaide


    Stitches is sheer delight ... Crisp’s storytelling skills are simply exceptional - Rachael Mead, InDaily

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