Lost in Translation
Your favorite movies translated badly.
Each night, we take a different classic film script, run it through an online translator a dozen times, and then read the results live on stage in character!
The final twist is that the guest stars read the scripts on stage for the first time.
To get the most enjoyment, we recommend you watch the film beforehand.
★★★★★ "constant tears in my eyes and howls of laughter from the audience" University of Adelaide
Fri 17 Feb: LOTR: The Two Towers
Sat 18 Feb: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Tues 21 Feb: LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring
Wed 22 Feb: Jurassic Park
Thurs 23 Feb: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Fri 24 Feb: Pirates of the Caribbean
Sat 25 Feb: Titanic
Tues 28 Feb: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Wed 1 Mar: Pirates of the Caribbean
Thus 2 Mar: Titanic
Fri 3 Mar: Jurassic Park
Sat 4 Mar: LOTR: The Two Towers
Presented by: Braw Media
Braw Media is an upstart production company helmed by Aaron Finan and Sophie Addison. The ethos that drives Braw is telling good stories and creating great experiences.
Lost in Translation first premiered at Adelaide Fringe 2021 and features Aaron Finan, Sophie Addison, Emma Evans and Lochryn Hearne as well as a large cast of guest stars.
Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts
constant tears in my eyes and howls of laughter from the audience - Joel Slattery, The University of Adelaide
What happens when you run a movie script through an online language translator a bunch of times? You get hilarity. - Tom Bowden, The Advertiser
The lovechild of famous movie scripts and a language breakdown, Lost in Translation is sure to have audience members in fits of laughter. - Scott Bradbrook, Fringe Feed