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George Glass' Cigarettes The Musical–three muscle bound men in turtlenecks holding cigarettes smoking on the cover of a box of cigarettes

George Glass' Cigarettes The Musical

Funk rock music, absurd comedy and fake blood! What more could you need for a night out?

Audience Reacts

  • Bang for your buck 1
 Bang for your buck
20 March 2025 - Wendy C.
Funny, Politically Incorrect & Original Songs about the rebranding of Cigarettes to make them popular again despite the side effects. This is one of three shows by this group. Really enjoyed Scietology & also had plenty of laughs with this one. If I had any criticism it would be that when they used the voice devices I was unable to understand what they were saying. However, as this was only for a few minutes it didn't affect the enjoyment of watching the show at all. Take a Punt & Go & see it.
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