Reviewed by: The List
Review by Annabel Fedcesin | 17 March 2025

The George Glass trio return to the Adelaide Fringe sponsored by the one and only Cigarette Man, a very real guy who just wants everyone to embrace the nontoxic aerosol of heat sticks. Because rebranding solves all image problems.

This is their Eras tour, their George Glass version of the George Glass musical (although they also have two other shows running this Fringe). Accompanied by the bare minimum of assorted, low-budget props, Garry, Barry and the Cigarette Man show the beauty of selling out for that sweet $5000. After all, all you need in life is love, friendship and a bucket of money. But wouldn’t all those things be so much more amazing with the better-than-ever aerosol heat stick? After all, the vape industry can get f*****.

For a musical theatre show there’s a surprising amount of viscera and brutality (if you enjoy a front row view, best not wear white). And you may wish to do some pre-emptive viewing of other musicals because references are sprinkled throughout the entire hour. If you still need a little selling, Zooper Doopers are supplied on entry. Gain a lumpy friend and embrace the forever nap with an aerosol heat stick and the George Glass trio.