This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2024 season. This season is now over.

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Dusty Feet Mob - A group of Dusty Feet Mob performers stand with heads bowed in a performance of Took The Children Away

Dusty Feet Mob

A joyous celebration of healing for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people alike

Audience Reacts

  • Standing ovation 1
Standing ovation
Standing ovation
09 March 2024 - Andrew G.
A dance troupe like no other, Dusty Feet Mob are a group of Aboriginals of all different shapes and colours, with the oldest in their 30s and the youngest being 6 years old. They do a great job of utilising them all in roles that makes them feel like a cohesive whole. Featuring both traditional and contemporary dance, without a doubt the standout for me was the performance about the Stolen Generation. A powerful, moving, and beautiful show, I highly recommend it no matter your ancestry.
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