Oh My Heart, Oh My Home.
08 March 2025 - Rochelle Ann C.Captivating and heartfelt - this is storytelling at its finest, and this time, with extra audio and design touches that added an extra layer to the experience (no spoilers!). It's always a joy to listen to Casey and be swept away in her narrative - go see! -
Accordion Ryan's Pop Bangers
01 March 2025 - Rochelle Ann C.This was an absolute hoot - I was grinning and laughing from start to finish. So glad we got to see this show! My only regret is that we didn't see the show earlier in the season so I could tell more people to go see it! -
01 March 2025 - Rochelle Ann C.Truly excellent, and definitely one of the best shows I've seen in recent years. A beautifully told narrative that cleverly weaves Bond references with personal reflections and memories, supported by strong physical comedy. A joy to watch. Go see! -
One Of These Things First
24 February 2025 - Rochelle Ann C.Picked 'Standing Ovation' because I was literally standing at the end of the bows, applauding this brilliant show and the quality performances by this group. Joyful, frenetic, poignant - the show will have you laughing your head off one moment, then reflecting in another, before being swept away by the fun and crazy antics. True Fringe theatre that should absolutely be seen. -
An Evening Without Kate Bush
02 March 2024 - Rochelle Ann C.Booked tickets to this show at the recommendation of a friend (despite only knowing a few Kate Bush songs), and wow. What a show! Hilarious, well-structured (definitely don't expect a standard tribute show, it's more than that!), and performed with absolute conviction. Plus, that voice! A definite must-see. I hope this performer comes back to Adelaide for future Fringe Festivals. -
02 March 2024 - Rochelle Ann C.Hilarious and cleverly written, performed by two amazing talents who make everything they do seem so effortless and natural. Highly recommended!