WrestleBrainia VI - Ultimately, a challenge - WrestleBrainia VI logo

WrestleBrainia VI - Ultimately, a challenge

'WrestleBrainia VI: The Unfortunate Challenge'

Geoff Setty, Brose Avard, Mel Avard, Nick Stevens and guests.

An immersive comedy experience, 'WrestleBrainia' offers a unique and fun take on professional wrestling, wrestling fandom and wrestling culture.

Ideal for current fans, lapsed fans and those who know nothing about wrestling; 'WrestleBrainia' is a show full of laughter. In the past the 'WrestleBrainia' team have been joined by some of the greatest local wrestlers and wrestling fans alike including; Rove McManus, Robbie Eagles, JXT, Lochy Hendricks, Broden Kelly (Aunty Donna), Gino Gambino (NJPW), Harry Hills (Survivor), Dane Simpson and more. WrestleBrainia making its Adelaide debut at Fringe 2025. Come for the unpredictability and fun.

Variety • Improv
Victoria • SA Premiere
Fri, 14 Mar - Mon, 17 Mar
45 min
MA15+ (2 Warnings)
$25 to $30
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details