Palette and Piano logo, including a keyboard in the shape of a tear and a palette - the the palette looks a person playing the keyboard
Album art for Cumbia Perdida
Partial album art for ‘Flying Against the Wind’


Cabaret • Comedy
South Australia • World Premiere

Share a humorous exploration, of creative inspiration. Through wunderkammer, music and art. Let the night dissolve into the realms of relativity, enjoy the eccentricity, through mental wonderings for your heart.  What's inside the wondercase? Resist your curiosity, or bring your sense of adventure, to be entertained in surreal measure.

Join Michael for a cabaret show with a difference, as he shares his passions for songwriting, piano, storytelling, visual art, wunderkammer, and creativity in general.  Music styles include: rock, pop, jazz, blues and latin.

Presented by: Palette & Piano and The Garage International

Michael is currently working on his third and fourth music albums, writing and illustrating a children’s chapter book, and moonlighting as a primary school teacher.