Two people, one tall male and one shorter female standing side by side, looking at each other and smiling, he is wearing a blue and grey vest dark bow-tie and long dark blue trousers and has short dark curly hair she is wearing a long-sleeved grey shirt with a grey jumpsuit and a bright blue bow-tie and has her hair in a ponytail fountain on top of her head.
8 performers in various poses across the stage with their arms in the air and smiling and celebrating the end of the show. 2 performers on the right of the picture wearing bright puffy suits are in a circus balance with one standing on the shoulders of another. 2 performers in the middle, one seated in a walker with the other standing beside with her hands in the air smiling, 2 performers to the left of middle one giving the other one a piggy back ride and 2 performers in brightly coloured puffy suits one sitting looking at the audience and the other standing looking down at his fellow performer.
Two people at the front of the image, one sitting on a walker wearing red pants and a bright jacket and the other standing beside her wearing fish scale patterned tights and a shiny blue jacket. They both have their hands covering their eyes like in hide and seek, there is another male standing against a screen behind them in the pose of a crab with his hands making claw shapes and his knees bent in a seated squat.

Wilbur the Optical Whale

• Storytelling

Winner of the Adelaide Fringe Access Award and weekly Innovation Award (2020) 'Wilbur the Optical Whale' returns to Adelaide in 2022. Based on the book by Karen Lee Roberts,  Wilbur the Optical Whale' is a 'tail' about friendship, acceptance, and celebrating difference. Wilbur and Cecil are the best of friends and one day while playing hide and seaweed,  they are set upon by the Starfish Meanie Gang! How do they get out of this one?  'Wilbur' is an immersive, interactive and accessible performance for children aged 3+. Set in an exquisitely crafted underwater world full of fun, interactive play, stunning circus tricks, digital and visual imagery, and music. All performances are Auslan interpreted, and are presented as 'relaxed'. 

Presented by: indelabilityarts

indelabilityarts is an inclusive theatre company providing professional artistic and training opportunities for artists and community
members who identify as having a disability. Our professional ensemble creates original work that communicates the lived experience of
each artist across a range of performance modes. We further nurture the social, personal, physical and mental wellbeing of participants through our workshop series, offering ongoing skills development and training for community members with a passion and interest in the performing arts. Through our inclusive practice, we provide opportunities for people with disabilities to access and make work that both reflects their experiences and their needs.

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