Theatre and Physical Theatre
• Cabaret
World Premiere
Winners of the Holden Street Theatres' Adelaide Fringe Award 2018.
In the Land Behind the Shadows, every decision has an effect. The Wormwood sisters have fallen on hard times, they're living in a high rise with bad neighbours and the landlord breathing down their necks, and no-one is buying their spells. The eldest of the sisters plans to turn their luck around by entering all of the reality shows on the box - including 'The Bat-chelor', 'My Witchin' Rules' and 'Rottingfoot's Got Talent' and become household names. Will their lives be 'altar-ed'? Or will the world find them to be quite dis-enchanting?
CCtheatreCo's newest cult musical comedy is the third story in the Rottingfoot series. Come along to see another 'charm-ing' tale from this magical land!
In the Land Behind the Shadows, every decision has an effect. The Wormwood sisters have fallen on hard times, they're living in a high rise with bad neighbours and the landlord breathing down their necks, and no-one is buying their spells. The eldest of the sisters plans to turn their luck around by entering all of the reality shows on the box - including 'The Bat-chelor', 'My Witchin' Rules' and 'Rottingfoot's Got Talent' and become household names. Will their lives be 'altar-ed'? Or will the world find them to be quite dis-enchanting?
CCtheatreCo's newest cult musical comedy is the third story in the Rottingfoot series. Come along to see another 'charm-ing' tale from this magical land!
Presented by: The Holden Street Theatres' Adelaide Fringe Award in Assoc. with CCtheatreCo
Holden Street Theatres are the 'Home of Theatre' in Adelaide and are proud to present a phenomenal 2019 Adelaide Fringe Festival program, full of talented artists with a diverse range of stories.