Playford Uniting Church is deeply connected to the vibrant communities north of Adelaide, not just as a Sunday church, but as a space that serves others daily. In the heart of Playford, our modern, light-filled venue is accessible to all people and enjoyed by many during the week. We welcome you to enjoy our Community Space as a hub of life and hope for all. The Cafe team will gladly serve you great coffee with a friendly smile!
The space is part of: Playford Uniting Church - Community Space
Step-free mobility aid accessible
Step-free mobility aid access through the main entrance with an accessible bathroom.
- Venue and Space entrance is accessible for a person with limited mobility, this includes people who use a wheelchair and/or cannot climb stairs.
- The entrance to the venue and/or space is through the main entrance.
- If the path of travel to the entrance of the venue and/or space is level, firm and obstacle-free
- The Venue has a designated accessible unisex toilet or have made alternative arrangements nearby for an accessible unisex toilet.