This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2021 season. This season is now over.

A geometric shape in the shape of the letter U.

Utter: Stories Told by a Ghost, a Book and a Room

• Performance
South Australia • World Premiere
This show marries interactive technology, modern dance and new music to follow the story of Philippa Cullen, an Australian pioneering dancer. This work uses bespoke interactive electronic instruments. It redraws new outlines for our relationship between sound, movement and light. This show will make you ask questions you weren't expecting.

Presented by: Iran Sanadzadeh, Dylan Crismani, Cazna Brass, Sebastian Collen, Derek Pascoe

The Utter team includes composers, technologists, dancers and thinkers. Combining their expertise and knowledge from previous award-winning works, these artists are blurring the boundaries between artforms in this immersive , interactive and intimate show. Cazna Brass was a finalist in the Keir Choreographic Awards (Syd 2020). Dylan Crismani, Ph.D, has recently been awarded a Churchill Fellowship to undertake music research aboard. Iran Sanadzadeh, Ph.D., is aa multidisciplinary artist working primarily with sound. Sebastian Collen, Adelaide-based composer and performer, and Derek Pascoe, Adelaide-based improviser and performer, are also integral members of this team.