Utter: Stories Told by a Ghost, a Book and a Room
Presented by: Iran Sanadzadeh, Dylan Crismani, Cazna Brass, Sebastian Collen, Derek Pascoe
The Utter team includes composers, technologists, dancers and thinkers. Combining their expertise and knowledge from previous award-winning works, these artists are blurring the boundaries between artforms in this immersive , interactive and intimate show. Cazna Brass was a finalist in the Keir Choreographic Awards (Syd 2020). Dylan Crismani, Ph.D, has recently been awarded a Churchill Fellowship to undertake music research aboard. Iran Sanadzadeh, Ph.D., is aa multidisciplinary artist working primarily with sound. Sebastian Collen, Adelaide-based composer and performer, and Derek Pascoe, Adelaide-based improviser and performer, are also integral members of this team.