This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2018 season. This season is now over.

UnPlotted Potter

Comedy • Theatre
Have you ever wondered what else was happening in the wizarding world apart from Harry doing his thing? In UnPlotted Potter, we go off the Marauder's Map and into the forbidden forest of supporting characters to explore the unofficial, untold stories of the Potterverse. You choose the character, we tell you their story. Now including names from the Fantastic Beasts saga! Back for its third year after sell-out shows in 2016 and 2017! 300 points to Gryffindor!

★★★★1/2 "Seamlessly entertaining, absolutely hilarious and thoroughly engaging." Kryztoff RAW.
★★★★ "The show glides brilliantly from one scene to the next... A must see for Harry Potter fans" Great Scott.
★★★★ "The story was peppered with Potter jokes, improvised montages, and hilarious tangents" Glam Adelaide.

Presented by: Scriptease

We are an Adelaide-based improv comedy group, founded in August 2013, that enjoys taking much loved genres and twisting them into something new and exciting! Our crowning achievements so far have included sell-out shows at the 2014 - 2017 Adelaide Fringe Festivals with a take on murder-mystery genre in ‘Death Comes at the End’ and an exploration into magical shenanigans in ‘UnPlotted Potter’.

"Scriptease is a prime example of how improv should be done."
-GLAM Adelaide

“Scriptease are a lively and quick-witted troupe that keep the dialogue flowing fast and fierce. They also have a knack for physical comedy and are good at evoking time and place through the use of mime.” – Stage Whispers

“Seamlessly entertaining, absolutely hilarious and thoroughly engaging.” – Kryztoff RAW

As the content of this show is improvised, we are not sure what the content will be each night! It will never be too awful though!