UnPlotted Potter
★★★★1/2 "Seamlessly entertaining, absolutely hilarious and thoroughly engaging." Kryztoff RAW.
★★★★ "The show glides brilliantly from one scene to the next... A must see for Harry Potter fans" Great Scott.
★★★★ "The story was peppered with Potter jokes, improvised montages, and hilarious tangents" Glam Adelaide.
Presented by: Scriptease
We are an Adelaide-based improv comedy group, founded in August 2013, that enjoys taking much loved genres and twisting them into something new and exciting! Our crowning achievements so far have included sell-out shows at the 2014 - 2017 Adelaide Fringe Festivals with a take on murder-mystery genre in ‘Death Comes at the End’ and an exploration into magical shenanigans in ‘UnPlotted Potter’.
"Scriptease is a prime example of how improv should be done."
-GLAM Adelaide
“Scriptease are a lively and quick-witted troupe that keep the dialogue flowing fast and fierce. They also have a knack for physical comedy and are good at evoking time and place through the use of mime.” – Stage Whispers
“Seamlessly entertaining, absolutely hilarious and thoroughly engaging.” – Kryztoff RAW
As the content of this show is improvised, we are not sure what the content will be each night! It will never be too awful though!