This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2020 season. This season is now over.

Train Lord

Theatre and Physical Theatre • Performance
New South Wales • SA Premiere

Award-winning author, Oliver Mol's debut is a true, funny and heartbreaking tale about a 10-month migraine, his recovery in Brisbane and job on the railway when he couldn't do anything else. Performed to music by Thomas Gray & Liam Ebbs, Seekae and Nils Frahm, amongst others, and to visuals by Kat Chellos, it is a story of hope, laughter, pain, relationships, drugs, failed orgies, mothers, fathers and love. Ultimately, it's about f**king up and figuring it out and f**king up and finding out you're not alone.

"King of a New Jungle" Rolling Stone.

"(Oliver Mol) ... captures the essence of youth" Sydney Morning Herald.

★★★★★ "Oliver performed in the green room after our gig in Barcelona. Wild and special. The a**hole made me cry. See this or die" Clarence McGuffie, Confidence Man.

Presented by: Oliver Mol

Oliver Mol is the author of Lion Attack! (Scribe Publications). He has appeared at National Young Writers Festival, Emerging Writers Festival, Melbourne Writers Festival, Sydney Writers Festival, Brisbane Writers Festival, and has performed at Queensland Poetry Festival and Jungle Love festival, as well as in the United States of America, Canada, Vietnam and Spain. He has published in Rolling Stone, The Guardian, ABC, Sydney Review of Books, Meanjin and The Saturday Paper amongst others. He was the recipient of a 2014 ArtStart Grant, the co-winner of the 2013 Scribe Nonfiction Prize for Young Writers and the recipient of a 2012 Hot Desk Fellowship. He is finishing his second book.

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