TOD Talks - A black canvas that has shapes and icons drawn on it in white, like a chalkboard. All different icons of pop-culture references.

TOD Talks

Comedy • Improv
Western Australia

Terrible Ideas, Improvised.

TOD Talks is bringing its unique brand of bulls**t to Adelaide Fringe.

Each night guest comedians and improv artists will take to the stage to convince us they are experts. The twist is, they will have no idea what their expert subject is until they walk out on stage!

Supported by presention slides they have never seen, props that don't make sense, and the impending stress that they will be judged by the audience to decided who BS'd the best and deserves the title of Keynote Speaker.

Anything can happen in TOD Talks but rarely are they good ideas. 

★★★★★ "Priceless! Cringe-worthy to belly laughing brilliance in just moments" "a psychedelic version of TED Talks gone awry" Fringefeed

Presented by: Gatt&Owen

Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts

  • Part gameshow, part lecture, this interactive improv is sure to leave the audience in stitches every night. - Kimberly Moiler, Fringefeed

  • Priceless! Cringe-worthy to belly laughing brilliance in just moments" "a psychedelic version of TED Talks gone awry - Lou Kelly, Fringefeed