This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2019 season. This season is now over.

Time Out with Ross Voss

Comedy • Stand Up
Australian Premiere

After a successful Edinburgh Fringe season, see local comedian's show in the form of a basketball game! (You don't need to know anything about basketball, there's just 4 quarters of 12 minutes of comedy!)

"Great show thought Ross was really engaging and interacted with the crowd well. Very funny man would highly recommend his show." - Daniel Baker

"My partner and I just dropped in on the Ross Voss show. It was a fun and yet curious experience. Voss had a very good rapport with the audience and had a fun glint in his eye throughout. As a comic, he can't be pigeonholed, and that helps make his show both 'comfortably funny' and 'edgy'. This guy is immensely likeable and has loads of potential. Great! Go see him and make up your own mind." - Janice Wilson

Presented by: Adapt Enterprises Pty Ltd

Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts


    Highly recommended..Go get your game on with Time Out With Ross Voss. Best ‘sport’ this book-nerd, sports-hating reviewer has ever attended. - Samantha Bond, Glam Adelaide


    ..a great showcase of an experienced comic hitting audiences with his best shot(s)..from narrative storytelling to zingers. - Steve Davis, The Adelaide Show