Things I Know To Be True
Loc'ally Theatr are beginning their 2024 season with a powerful Australian story about the strength of family love.
As the seasons turn, Bob and Fran watch their 4 children; each struggling in their own identity crises; push the family expectations. Love holds a tight force between everyone, strengthening some relations, while creating tension for others.
Performance rights for THINGS I KNOW TO BE TRUE exclusively licenced by HLA Management Pty Ltd, P.O. Box 1536, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 (hla@hlamgt.com.au)
Presented by: Loc’ally Theatr
Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts
If you’re looking for a fun, happy, hilarious piece of theatre – this is not for you! It pulls on the heartstrings at least 4 times... - Andrew Broadbent, 1,000 words