This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2024 season. This season is now over.

The Story of Body - Big bold font of "The Story of Body" superimposed on a poly art image of a man looking in pain.

The Story of Body

Theatre and Physical Theatre • Theatre
Singapore • World Premiere

Embark on an unforgettable experience into the turbulent mind of a former child concert pianist trapped in a complex post-traumatic stress disorder, and their subsequent search for healing and hope in adulthood. 

“Body of too many, too-vivid effluents. Unending need. Unfading memories. My body is trying its best to swallow a story, but the story keeps getting stuck in its throat. Why won’t it go down? Help me, says body, in animal language. Looking around the room with wide,  glazed eyes. Somebody help me. Somebody, please.”

The Story Of Body is a monodrama incorporating physical movement, mime, and audience interaction, blurring the line between performer and audience, encouraging contemplation and reflection about the hidden histories our bodies, and those around us, carry.

Presented by: shien

The stories that we want to tell are those that don’t sit quite right in our bones. We want to show people the difficult truths, our challenging existences, how we live lives full of contradictions, at times sorrowful, but full of joy too. We know that these dissonances are there, but we just don’t face up to them, or refuse to see them for what they are. The theatre, then, is the place where all this comes to bear. We want to honour our senses, our essences, and our emotions. The world has too much to be fearful of, to be worried over, to think about constantly, that we want to return to our most natural states and just feel in the theatre.

Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts

  • Hidden Gem 3

    It is beautifully written and I found myself on a mesmerising journey of her story right from the start to finish. - Louise Pascale, Mindshare

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