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The Rite of Spring - a single figure stands half illuminated as part of a dance performance

The Rite of Spring

A meditation on human fragility, survival, and the fine line between creation and destruction, this powerful solo dance interpretation by Taiwan's celebrated contemporary dance company, Tussock Dance Theater, reimagines Stravinsky’s revolutionary work and tells the story of a victim who transforms into a perpetrator. Embodying the collective violence arising from existential fear, it follows the victim's struggle and resistance, deconstructing the music’s narrative structure and shifting between various roles to reveal the complexities and cycles of human nature. This cycle oscillates between good and evil and follows a gradual and irreversible descent into disorder, ultimately leading to disintegration in a foretold apocalypse. 

Dance • Contemporary
Taiwan • World Premiere
Culturally and/or linguistically diverse
Wed, 12 Mar - Sat, 15 Mar
40 min
Main Theatre at Adelaide College of the Arts
$27 to $30
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
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