The Redhead Cabaret: Carrot Tops (+ bottoms)

Cabaret • Burlesque
This late-night vaudevillian escapade involves a dozen Redheaded performers delivering the passion, mischief, sexual appetite, simmering temper and lovable awkwardness that the Ginger species do best!

Neo-burlesque, comedy, live music, satire, sensationalism, seduction and swagger.
Carpets with matching curtains.
And a whole lot of Sunscreen.


Presented by: Red Siren

The Redhead Cabaret is a company of red-haired performers with a unified mission: To share the passion, pizzazz, playfulness of temperament (and potential for petulance!) this genetic manifestation boasts. They endeavour to always deliver a whole lot of strut, shimmy, seduction and swagger!

Each show is a new creation filled with our spin on the facts, fiction & fantasy surrounding red-haired folk.

Previous shows:
The Redhead Cabaret, The German Club - Adelaide Fringe Festival 2016
Five Flamming Femmes, Nexus Arts - Adelaide Cabaret Fringe Festival 2016
Rated R(ed), Nexus Arts - Adelaide Fringe Festival 2017
Sirens of Seduction, Nexus Arts - Adelaide Fringe Festival 2018