This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2023 season. This season is now over.

Image of a 'racist Immigrant Application Form'

The Racist Immigrants

Comedy • Stand-up

★★★★★ "You will come out feeling a lot less raci*t than when you went in" Chinese proverb

★★★★★ "Go see the show" Kenyan slur 

★★★★★ "This show deserves an award" Indian yoga chant 

Immigrants and raci*t?! Whaaa !?
An hour of unabashed comedy that will leave you crying with laughter and questioning everything you know about immigrants and cultures as it attempts to break all stereotypes.
Food, culture, taxis, boats, n*de beaches, Chinese bat soup. Nothing is off limit.

Two comics perform every night.

★★★★★ Glam Adelaide (read review)

FEATURED ON SBS NEWS. Watch our SBS story.


Presented by: Multicultural Comedy

Multicultural Comedy is a colourful (literally so) collaboration between some of the best/upcoming comedians around in Australia.
We represent modern Australia which is culturally diverse and has the propensity to share a laugh about the way we are. We can take a joke and we make fun of ourselves.
Watch out for our shows as there is something in it for everyone.

Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts

  • ROFL 2

    t’s the United Nations of stand-up comedy, showcasing multicultural comedians in a colourful collaboration - Kim Burley, Hi Fi Way

See more on the Fringefeed