The Price of Love - Man standing in front of a heart looking thoughtful text says The Price of Love with The Sneaky Little Band

The Price of Love

Music • Cabaret
South Australia • World Premiere

We all know about love. Or do we?
Join Adelaide's "Sneaky Little Band" as they play a collection of love songs that explore the REALITY of what love is all about. From the weird to the wonderful classy to the crass and all points in between. Love can be grand, love can be excruciating, love can be oh so right but also oh so wrong. One thing is for sure, someone, somewhere had written a song about it! This event is presented in the Cabaret style with chairs and tables making up the seating, and wine and other refreshments available for an enjoyable night out with a glass of wine and some thought provoking music and drama. "The Sneaky Little Band" is some of Adelaide's finest and most experienced Musical Theatre artists from both on stage and in "the orchestra pit".

Presented by: The Sneaky Little Band

This event is presented in the Cabaret style with chairs and tables making up the seating, and wine and other refreshments available for an enjoyable night out with a glass of wine and some thought provoking music. Dancing is actively encouraged!