This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2019 season. This season is now over.

The Otherworld

Circus • Circus
SA Premiere
Venture into the belly of The Otherworld; a place where happy endings come to die. Adjust your senses to the darkness and feast your eyes on the wondrous beings that drop down from above and creep up from below.

Corrupted by the malevolent forces spilling from The Otherworld, the earth is engulfed in flames by the tortured souls within.

A macabre depiction of legends, fairy tales and mythical creatures that lurk within the shadows expertly fused with the original musical creations of Scott Reed's String Theory. Featuring various aerial acts, acrobatics, fire, live original music and more.

They are waiting for you, waiting to tell their tales.

Presented by: Olio Circus

Established in 2018, Olio Circus is created and directed by four female, multidisciplinary performance artists born and bred in Adelaide. Chantelle Reed, Natalie Tran, Melissa Johns and Ellyse Bunney have trained and performed together for a number of years before forming their own independent circus group, and are ready for the excitement and opportunities 2019 will bring.
Olio Circus brings to the stage a new and exciting circus production, expertly fused with live original music. With a combination of aerial and ground skills under their belts, Olio Circus offers a fresh take on all things circus.