The Juggle - Managing Motherhood While Working in the Arts - Cartoon image of a strong woman in a striped shirt encircled by the words "Happy Haps Productions".

The Juggle - Managing Motherhood While Working in the Arts

Community Events • Seminar
Australia • World Premiere

Mothers are forever being reminded that in order to "thrive" kids need routine, boundaries, predictability and consistency. As arts workers, we are forever changing routines, breaking boundaries and making a living in an unpredictable and inconsistent industry. In this event, artistic mothers will discuss the ways in which they meet this challenge.

We're going to hear from mothers who work on and off stage and especially those who tour and travel for work. What are some tips and tricks they've learned along the way? What are the biggest challenges? How has their family's make-up changed their artistic practice over the years? And most importantly what makes it all worth it? 

Presented by: Happy Haps Productions

Happy Haps Productions is a not for profit organisation that aims to improve the lives of women, girls and people of marginalised genders through the arts. We focus on reducing barriers to participation in the arts; building confidence and capacity through arts workshops; and collaborating with female arts leaders to create pathways to leadership for young and emerging female and gender diverse artists.

Babysitters will be available at the venue to support mothers of young children (under 6yrs) who may wish to attend. Attendees will be asked to participate in a survey about their own experience or perceptions of motherhood in the arts.

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