On a black back ground is the words The Heart Beat Club hand written in bright yellow writing. This is positioned above a hand drawn disco ball with red love hearts drawn inside the ball.
Two people in on a dance floor smiling at each other while dancing in a night club setting with neon lights and a crowd in the background
a woman in a knee length floating cream dress, dancing in a night club setting, surrounded by neon lights. 
In the background there is a neon lit sign for "The Heartbeat Club"

The Heart Beat Club - Disability Club Night

If you like to party, dance to DJ’s, hang out with friends, have a good time in a safe environment then you should come to The Heart Beat Club!  

HEART BEAT CLUB /hɑːt biːt klʌb/ noun.
1. A club night run by and for learning disabled people, their friends and allies.
2. The Heartbeat Club is run by the Beats Crew, a group of learning-disabled people.

“We want to have a more active and ‘age appropriate’ social life including club nights. We are running our own proper club night so we can have fun and stay up late. Spend fun time with friends. Do it our way. Show our talents. Beatbox on stage. DJ on stage. Dance. Dress up. Feel safe. Make our Club awesome.”

– The Beats Crew

Heart Beat Club is an 18+ Club Night.  

Join us on the dance floor or hang out with friends playing arcade games!

Music • Disability Led
South Australia
Fringe Fund Recipient
d/Deaf and/or Lived Experience of Disability Shows
Fri, 21 Mar
4 hr 30 min
MOD. at UniSA
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details
Season has ended