The Deep North
'The Deep North' is a celebration of the African diaspora in South Australia. In an immersive gallery environment four characters play out their stories, using a hybrid mix of theatre, film and music - presenting overlapping stories through spoken word, hip hop, African music and theatrical interaction.
Featuring triple J Unearthed hip hop artist DyspOra, renowned Adelaide MC Stephen Tongun and poet, dancer, and singer Pontsho Nthupi, SA Playwright's 'The Deep North' tells the story of Jasmine Mutesa who has to choose between a scholarship at one of Adelaide's most prestigious schools and keeping her family from falling apart in Port Augusta. It's an entertaining and empowering story about finding your voice and the meaning of home.
Presented by: South Australian Playwrights Theatre (SAPT)
South Australian Playwrights Theatre Inc. (SAPT) is committed to developing and producing the theatrical works of SA writers, both established and new, engaging with our state’s diverse communities and supporting a range of voices on stage. Since 2017, SAPT have produced three original plays, in addition to two seasons of staged readings. In 2020 and with support from the James and Diana Ramsay Foundation COVID-19 Quick Response Grant, SAPT turned its attention to the creation of audio serials. They were also asked by Playwriting Australia as one of 25 national theatre companies to partake in ‘Dear Australia’, as 50 playwrights were commissioned to write postcards to the country exploring where our nation is and where it might go. Three further plays are in development for 2021 and beyond.