The Death Show

Cabaret • Comedy
Western Australia • SA Premiere


We all do it, so why do we ignore it? 

When the end gives meaning to the life that comes before it? 

What if a reaper doesn’t want to be grim? 

Has anyone bothered to ask her, or him?

Set in The Underworld, follow a brave, little grim reaper embarking on a heart-warming quest to discover the meaning of Death. Dead-set on bringing death to life with music, humour, a side-serve of accidental philosophy, The Death Show will have you laughing like The Joker, crying like Moaning Myrtle, and plummet you into an up-side-down world you won’t be expecting. 

★★★★1/2 "witty and thought-provoking..." Fringefeed.

Presented by: The Hairy Godmothers

Produced by the #majesticAF Hairy GodMothers (HGM) from Disney in Drag. Formed in 2019, The Hairy Godmothers are a group of local Perth performers and creatives - men, women and every tiara and fake-moustache-wearing blurred line in-between. From diverse backgrounds of lawyers, theatre managers, science presenters, actors, dancers, engineers, teachers and poets, the HGM is a powerhouse collective tackling provocative content with their own unique brand of humour, charm, and creativity.

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