This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2024 season. This season is now over.

Pixelated image of man smiling is in the middle of the image, with 4 options around the image.

The Dark Room for Kids

Kids and Family • Comedy
Western Australia • SA Premiere

You and your family are stuck inside a live-action videogame! How will you escape?! Will you: A) Find light switch? B) Go north? C) Explode in a shower of stinking guts?

An interactive adventure featuring terrible prizes and total mayhem! This bit is for parents only: this show is recommended for 11+ but younger kids are welcome. There may be some mild language but it's more like Roald Dahl than YouTube.

★★★★ "Irresistibly dangerous" Stage

★★★★ "Robertson had his young audience in raptures" ThreeWeeks

Winner of Best Kid's Show, Leicester Comedy Festival & Winner of Chortle Award.

Presented by: Gag Reflex

Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts


    The energetic presenter showcased quick wit and connected well with the audience, making the experience enjoyable for all - Kids in Adelaide


    The Dark Room is an infectious show that is so uproariously absurd that you can’t help but fall in love with it. - Shane Berketa, SeeDoEatReview