Graphic image of an old man's face transposed onto planet earth
MC Boomer holds a mic and is singing a rap song about boomers
Mark Allen playing a guitar and looking angry.

The Boomer and the Doomer

Comedy • Political
Australia • World Premiere

Mark Allen and MC Boomer (aka Eric Tinker) bring you a comedy show about the unfolding catastrophes facing the planet. Mark is a social activist and is wondering how long he can remain vegan before he has to eat the neighbour's cat. Musical comedian and complacent boomer Eric doesn't know what all the kerfuffle is about. However he is wondering how many franking credits his BP shares will bring him before Armageddon arrives.

Presented by: Derek Tickner

Mark Allen is an environmental journalist and the co-founder of Town Planning Rebellion and Holistic Activism. He has recently branched into comedy to reach new audiences. Mark is excited to be co-writing and performing in his first Adelaide Fringe show.
Derek Tickner is a musical comedian, improviser, photographer and writer. He also has a sensible day job as a GIS Analyst. Under the stage name Eric Tinker he has performed at festivals, clubs and pubs around Australia and in his native England, as well as in the USA, Canada and Southeast Asia.
Derek is producing and performing in three shows this Fringe: 'The Boomer and the Doomer', 'Funky Fresh Musical Improv' and 'Adelaide vs The World – The Clash of the Comics'.