This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2019 season. This season is now over.

Tales from a Comedian

Comedy • Spoken Word
World Premiere

Local comedian Ross Voss' best stories from over 15 years in arts and 34 years of life! He'll recite tales from meeting a door-to-door karate salesman, to a conversation with a supposed alien from planet Nectar. He'll reminisce on how he crashed two cars in one day, to being head butted in Hahndorf! A laid-back, insightful and amusing experience.

Presented by: Adapt Enterprises Pty Ltd

Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts


    Fun was had by all, faces ’round the campfire were all grinning, and I’d thoroughly recommend this local talent to all Fringe-goers. - Samantha Bond, Glam Adelaide