This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2021 season. This season is now over.

Switch Witchetty's Almanac of Everything

• Theatre
New South Wales
★★★★ The Advertiser
★★★★★ Global Media Post
★★★★★★★★★★ 9 year old audience member

A high-energy fairy tale adventure played on a set of milk-crates, bedsheets, and newspaper swords, using original music and comedy to question the role empathy plays in decision making. Switch has left audiences laughing and singing along from Sydney to Edinburgh.
Switch Witchetty is a court fool who can "switch" into others, allowing a unique perspective into their story. When the Kingdom needs a leader, Switch is forced to use this ability, writing the stories of the people in The Almanac of Everything. Before the two kings tear the kingdom apart, Switch must choose - hero or fool?

Presented by: Pinwheel Productions

Pinwheel Productions is an emerging independent theatre company building a reputation for creating parabolic adventure stories.
Pinwheel productions are inspired by the stories kids make at home for themselves. Makeshift design, limitless imagination and original music tell socially relevant modern fairy tales and folklore for children.
Past productions include The Tale of Ichabod Scrubb (Sydney, 2017) and Switch Witchetty’s Almanac of Everything (Edinburgh Fringe, 2019 & Adelaide Fringe 2020). Attentive storytelling at its best. – Ellandar Theatre Co

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  • Bang for your buck 1
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