This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2019 season. This season is now over.

Super Woman Money Program

Comedy • Theatre
SA Premiere

Winner - Best Comedy Award Fringe World 2018

Did you know that women often retire with a lot less super than men? Elizabeth didn't. She gets her financial advice from Shirley Bassey and spent all her money going to clown school. But now they tell her she has to raise an extra $350,000 for her retirement, just because she has a vagina. So she's doing a comedy show. Welcome to the Super Woman Money Program.

★★★★☆ 'Like Hannah Gadsby, Elizabeth Davie shows comedic brilliance, and she has the intellect and heart to step out from behind it' Fringe Feed.
★★★★★ 'Elizabeth's comedic skills are sensational' Perth Happenings.
'Fantastically joyful feminist comedy' Squirrel Comedy.
'Exactly what comedy needs to be' SeeSaw Magazine.
'Hilariously educational' Weekend Notes.
'Hilarious' Pop Culture-y.

Presented by: Elizabeth Davie

Elizabeth Davie is an award winning comedian, performer and writer from Melbourne. She has created sell out comedy shows for festivals around Australia and written and performed in Channel 31 TV shows. Her solo show Super Woman Money Program sold out at Melbourne Fringe, Melbourne International Comedy Festival and Perth Fringe World and won the 2018 Fringe World Best Comedy Award. Elizabeth has studied clowning and performance with Philippe Gaulier, Giovanni Fusetti, Philip Burgers and Deanna Fleysher.