Smut Uncut: An Erotica Extravaganza
From awkward rashes to washing-machine pashes, buckle up your party pants for live-read clit-erature that's locally lettered and totally orgasmic. There will be cheeky audience mini games and prizes, some droll little ditties, a choose your own adventure literary experience, and opportunities to contribute your own anonymous amorous quips and queries.
We value an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere above all else, so slut, dick, body and kink shaming or discrimination of any kind will earn you a front row seat on the curb of Rundle street.
Presented by: Sisters in SMUT
Born from the crippling boredom of social isolation, the Sisters in Smut was the brain baby of a gaggle of reading, writing, sex-loving Adelaidian Millennials, and it turned out to be a bloody riot of a time.
Now, with the aim of bringing a fresh youth perspective to erotic writing and sparking some comical, candid conversation about the warts and all of modern sex, we’re stepping it up to smack Adelaide with one of the most outrageous and refreshing shows of the year.
Whilst SMUT UNCUT is our lip-trembling, leg-twitching explosion event of the year, check us out on facebook to keep your finger on the pulse of zines, regular reading catch-ups, and other riotous goodness.