She's Like The Wind - Smiling man in bar with arms crossed wearing black shirt

She's Like The Wind

Comedy • Stand-up
New South Wales

She’s Like the Wind is an hour of funny stuff from Australia’s premiere comedian named Jack Wright . As the 11th most successful Jack Wright in history, he's best known for making a stand against musicians taking short cuts comedians could never get away with.

Jack gives us a look into the lifestyle of a former addict, weed-smoking cricket observer and #1 fan of the greatest artform, comedy. 

If you remember Patrick Swayze this show might be for you, but its still a good time if you don't.


"We didn't know you smoked meth" - Jack's mum, after seeing this show at Sydney Comedy Festival (it was sold out by the way).

Presented by: Jack Wright

Jack Wright is a Sydney-based comedian who has spent 10 years appearing on stages across the country. Starting out as a RAW Comedy State Finalist, you can now find him gigging across Sydney most nights of the week.

His seamless crowd work and thought provoking act has gained him a reputation as one of Sydney’s must-see up comics.