Wednesday 12 Mar
Visual Arts and Design – Friday & Sunday: 9.30am-4.30pm
Essence of Expression art exhibition
Our art works expresses the diversity within ourselves
- FREE: No ticket required
EHA Gallery @ The Gallery at St Peters Town Hall
Visual Arts and Design – Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm
Eastern Suburbs Camera Club Photography Exhibition
Photography at its best - but be warned, it might inspire you to join a photography club!
- FREE: No ticket required
- Norwood Town Hall
Visual Arts and Design – 9am-5pm | 9am-6pm | 9am-10pm
what if i forget
Exhibition by artist, Martina Beka, in collaboration with Adelaide Fringe x Fab Workshop & Studios
- FREE: No ticket required
Adelaide Arcade
Visual Arts and Design – Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm
Zhuzhu (Guiyong Zhu) - JPE Artist in Residence Exhibition
Guildhouse and JPE Design Studio present JPE Artist in Residence, Zhuzhu.
- FREE: No ticket required
- JPE Design Studio
Visual Arts and Design – Friday 14th: 6pm-8pm | Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm | Saturday: 10am-5pm | Sunday: 2pm-5pm
Australian Dreams II
An exhibition of original artworks by renowned Australian visual artists.
- FREE: No ticket required
Art Images Gallery
Visual Arts and Design – Tuesday 18th: 6pm-8pm | Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm
I See Everything Twice
Art as time-machine, exploring strange realities.
- FREE: No ticket required
Adelaide Central Gallery
Visual Arts and Design – Wednesday-Saturday: 9am-5pm
Red Poles Indigenous Fringe Festival
Indigenous arts and live music from the remote region of Ceduna and surrounds. Also demonstrations.
- FREE: No ticket required
Red Poles
Visual Arts and Design – Monday-Friday: 9am-6pm
This is all Human made - an exhibition by Squish Squash
A celebration of Human Creativity within the development of animation and illustration pieces.
- FREE: No ticket required
Kerry Packer Civic Gallery @ The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre, UniSA
Visual Arts and Design – Monday-Sunday: 9am-9pm
V Murex (Pearl Tizzie) + Will Tassell
A showcase of 2D and 3D works from power siblings V Murex (Pearl Tizzie) and Will Tassell.
- FREE: No ticket required
Gallery @ The Parks Theatres
Visual Arts and Design – Various durations (between 2hrs-7.5hrs)
Thick and Thin
Contemporary sculptures of porcelain, clay, wood, and steel collide, each revealing its own story.
- FREE: No ticket required
Main Gallery @ The Gallery at St Peters Town Hall
Visual Arts and Design – Various durations (between 2hrs-7.5hrs)
Future Relics
Enter a world where belief meets memory and the fantastical defies chaos—an unmissable experience!
- FREE: No ticket required
Gallery 2 @ The Gallery at St Peters Town Hall
Visual Arts and Design – Monday-Sunday: 10am-5pm
Bundy Bannerman - A Journey of Life
John 'Bundy' Bannerman's art practice is influenced by the outback, and his love of trucks and cars.
- FREE: No ticket required
Gallery 2 @ Hahndorf Academy
Visual Arts and Design – Sunday 23rd Feb: 2pm-4pm | Tuesday-Friday 10am-5pm | Saturday: 12pm-5pm
The Art of Storytelling Exhibition
Discover the Art of Storytelling: An Immersive Mixed Media Art Exhibition
- FREE: No ticket required
Pepper Street Arts Centre
Visual Arts and Design – Monday: 10am-5pm
Cecilia Gunnarsson - As I See It
Gunnarsson's paintings explore her connection to outback Tasmania, Kangaroo Island and the ocean.
- FREE: No ticket required
Gallery 1 @ Hahndorf Academy
Visual Arts and Design – Saturday 8th Mar: 7pm-10pm | Monday-Sunday: 10am-3pm
Krazy Kat Gallery & Book Launch
Ever wonder why cats leave pawprints in our hearts?
- FREE: No ticket required
Crush Terrace Collective
Visual Arts and Design – Wednesday-Saturday: 10am-4pm
Helpmann Academy Graduate Exhibition 2025
Immerse yourself in the graduate works from visual artists from Flinders University and UniSA.
- FREE: No ticket required
Visual Arts and Design – Wednesday-Saturday: 10am-3pm
Heart of the Outback: Expressions of the Land
A vibrant mixed-media art exhibition that celebrates the untamed beauty of the Australian Outback
- FREE: No ticket required
Cowandilla Community Room
Interactive – Tuesday-Saturday: 10am-5pm
Beginnings, endings & everything in between. Explore FOREVER, an interactive exhibition at MOD.
- FREE: No ticket required
MOD. @ MOD. at UniSA
Visual Arts and Design – 10am-4pm or 10am-6pm (check performance date)
Object Permanence
Photos exploring the connections between parenting and childhood, using the objects we keep.
- FREE: No ticket required
Galleries I and II @ The Mill
Visual Arts and Design – Monday-Wednesday: 10am-5pm | Thursday: 10am-7pm | Friday: 10am-7pm
Sovereign Acts | Love Praxis. A Flinders University Museum of Art exhibition with Unbound Collective
A landmark exhibition celebrates 10 years of critical and creative work by Unbound Collective.
- FREE: No ticket required
FUMA Gallery @ Flinders University Museum of Art
Interactive – 60 min
Sleeps Hill Tunnel
An underground immersive experience within a forgotten part of Adelaide's history.
Full Price: $28.00
The Tunnels
Full Price: $28.00
Visual Arts and Design – 10am-3pm
If fabrics could speak... Artist in Residence Ngutungka
Share your fabric stories with artist Catherine Fitz-Gerald. Be a part of this evolving exhibition.
- FREE: No ticket required
Ngutungka Studio @ Ngutungka West Lakes
Visual Arts and Design – Wednesday-Friday: 10am-4pm | Saturday: 1pm-4pm
Weathered | Susan Bruce | Solo Exhibition
Susan Bruce offers space to meditate on what it is to be human within urban landscape.
- FREE: No ticket required
Sauerbier House Culture Exchange
Visual Arts and Design – Tuesday-Friday: 10am-4pm
Walk on by
Queer Asian artist Jake Yang’s solo exhibition explores identity and celebration of culture.
- FREE: No ticket required
Nexus Arts Gallery @ Nexus Arts Venue
Visual Arts and Design – 7 hr 30 min
Open Community Exhibition at Tiwu Kumangka
An exhibition that aims to celebrate the rich diversity of artistic expression within our community
- FREE: No ticket required
Tiwu Kumangka @ Blackwood Community Centre at Tiwu Kumangka
Visual Arts and Design – Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 10am-4.30pm | Saturday-Sunday: 4pm-8pm
Palestine A Land Of Three Faiths
Art Exhibition Promoting Religious Harmony
- FREE: No ticket required
PCP Upstairs @ Palestine Centre For Peace
Interactive – Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 10am-10pm; Tuesday, Thursday: 6am-10pm; Saturday, Sunday: 8am-8pm
Urban Climb Adelaide
A climbing experience that redefines what indoor bouldering can be.
- Full Price: $37.00
- Urban Climb Adelaide
Visual Arts and Design – Monday-Sunday: 10am-5pm
A Fractured World
We are celebrating the “imperfect” with stitch, felt and woven thread.
- FREE: No ticket required
Gallery Space @ Port Adelaide Visitor Information Centre