
Theatre and Physical Theatre • Sound Art
SA Premiere
We will not prey upon the paranoid, the bereaved, the credulous, the wide-eyed, the weak or the inbred... In return, we ask you to proceed with an open mind.

Seance explores the psychology of a group of people who have been bombarded with suggestible material. It asks the audience to believe, not only in what seems to be happening in the container but also in what might be conjured up.

Created by Glen Neath and David Rosenberg, the experience takes place inside a shipping container in absolute darkness and lasts for a spine-tingling 15 minutes.

Seance is an entertainment only and we cannot hold the medium responsible for the outcome.

"A creepy and manipulative miniature which unsettles and makes you question not just your senses but what you actually believe." ★★★★ The Guardian 2016

Presented by: Realscape Productions in Association with Darkfield

Realscape Productions
Is a newly formed theatrical company, based out of Melbourne. Realscape Productions specialises in producing and presenting unforgettable theatrical experiences that captivate and inspire even the sixth sense.

DARKFIELD is an ongoing project, ultimately a collection of individual experiences in shipping containers that explore fear and anxiety. Each show functions without live actors, employing binaural sound, pitch darkness and movement to situate each audience member at the centre of an evolving narrative. Séance is the first in this collection of shows.

Age Suitability: M. Séance is not recommended for those who are claustrophobic, pregnant, suffer heart or back conditions, or are under the age of 15.