Sam McGowan Can't Sleep - Sam, the performer, sitting amongst pink clouds in the sky.

Sam McGowan Can't Sleep

Sam lies awake most nights, tossing and turning, thinking about every single thing that could ever happen, or ever will. Will the twink he likes text him back? Is the black mould in his bathroom affecting his aura? Will his singing lessons from a stranger on Gumtree actually help him achieve his goal of outsinging Susan Boyle?

In this comedy show, Sam begs you to help him answer the questions that keep him up at night. He's already tried ear plugs, white noise, crying himself to sleep, and a free trial of Calm. He can't afford $79 for an annual subscription. Please come to the show and suggest some ideas. He's so curious and so tired.

Expect to hear tragic dating stories, unsolicited hot takes on The Culture, and vendettas against the people who have wronged him (both real and imagined).

Victoria • World Premiere
Thu, 13 Mar - Sun, 16 Mar
50 min
MA15+ (2 Warnings)
$17 to $19
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
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Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts

  • ROFL 1
  • Hidden Gem 2
  • Bang for your buck 1
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