This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2020 season. This season is now over.

Right Here, Right Now (previously Scarred For Life)

Cabaret • Music
South Australia • World Premiere

Cabaret artist / songwriter Josh Belperio was going to bring you an existing show of his, called 'Scarred For Life'
But 4 days out from opening night, Josh decided he is not going to do that show.
Josh is too angry at the world right now.
And so he has channeled his rage into a new show.
It’s called 'Right Here, Right Now.'
Josh will sing about climate change and the fire crisis and the religious freedom bill and Wilson Gavin and Greta Thunberg and everything that is happening around us, right here, right now.
Gather round Josh's keyboard for something new and raw and unpolished and unapologetic.

Josh's 2019 show ’30,000 Notes’ received three Fringe awards, and won the Adelaide Theatre Guide Award for Best Cabaret of the 2018-2019 season in Adelaide.

Josh has also received: 

★★★★★ The Advertiser

★★★★★ Glam Adelaide

★★★★★ Scenestr

★★★★★ Scene TV

★★★★★ The Upside News

★★★★★ Mindshare Australia

★★★★1/2 The Serenade Files

★★★★ Fest Mag

Presented by: Josh Belperio and Holden Street Theatres

My name is Josh Belperio.
I am a composer, a cabaret artist, a graduate of the Elder Conservatorium of Music, and a big fan of trains.

I believe in the power of music and lyrics to call people to action, to communicate a message through feeling and to capture moments in history.

I have synaesethesia. This means that every time I write a word or play a note on the piano I see an associated colour in my mind.

I love the way music can colour a story.
I love how it can key directly into an audience’s emotions without them even knowing.
Almost like an ancient code that we all subconsciously know.
I think the world needs more colour.
And more things that bring us all together.
I can do this with my music.
And so that’s why I do.