This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2022 season. This season is now over.

Man stands with hips on his hands in a Red shiny suit jacket, Black sheer shirt, waist cincher, and large brooch of himself on the jacket lapel. He has a full face of makeup on, with blonde quiff and bright red lipstick. His mouth is open like he is smiling and screaming excitedly baring his perfectly straight white teeth.
Man with drag make up on and false eyelashes stands looking to the left with his Right arm held up. You can see tattoos on his arms under a black mesh top. Black and white image
Side profile of man wearing all black on a stage. He is on his knees, leaning backwards towards the ground as he sings into a black microphone with long black tassels at the end. He has on drag makeup with false eyelashes. Surrounding him is ambient red lighting and haze, with out of focus audience members in the background.

Reuben Kaye The Butch is Back

Cabaret • Comedy

Winner Best Cabaret Adelaide Fringe 2021

Winner Best Cabaret and Variety Show FringeWorld Perth 2021

Nominee Most Outstanding Show Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2021

After a whirlwind Australian tour in 2021, escaping lockdowns one by one, Reuben Kaye is coming back as an Adelaide Fringe Ambassador. 
With a bigger band and brighter lights this star is rising, and taking the comedy and cabaret world by storm. With acid wit and casual sensationalism, Kaye is fast, on the edge and brutally funny.

★★★★ The Times. ★★★★★ Tiser. ★★★★★ EdFest Mag. ★★★★★ Broadway Baby. ★★★★★ Stage Whispers.

Presented by: Pietagogetter

Pietagogetter has been producing for six years in Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Brisbane, London and Edinburgh. Producing and managing artists Reuben Kaye and The Kaye Hole, Josh Glanc, Hope One (Hot Brown Honey) and Melanie Mununggurr (Australian Slam Poet Champion 2018), Tina Del Twist, Barnie Duncan, and previous seasons by Trygve Wakenshaw, Betty Grumble, Yummy, Thom Monckton - The Artist, Garry Starr, and The Listies. Pieta worked at Melbourne International Comedy Festival for six years and is now a full time producer and arts manager.

Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts

  • Standing ovation 2
  • Bang for your buck 1
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