This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2019 season. This season is now over.

Refugee stories, secret recipes and dinner.

Community Events • Multicultural

"After a sell-out season in 2018, "Refugee stories..." is sure to be a hit in 2019! This event is "a true ice breaker for those who have had little experience with asylum seekers." GLAM ADELAIDE. This is a unique opportunity to be treated to a three course home cooked meal while sharing stories of the host's brave journey to Australia as a refugee."

Please email with dietary requirements.

Presented by: Welcome to Australia

Welcome to Australia exists to engage everyday Australians in the task of cultivating a culture of welcome in our nation through the facilitation of a variety of programs, including the Welcome Centre at Bowden, where this event will take place.The Australia we love is known for its diversity, compassion, generosity and commitment to giving all people a fair go.