This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2023 season. This season is now over.

Rainee holds a guitar and sings into a microphone.

Rainee Blake in Concert

Music • Folk
New South Wales • SA Premiere

Australian star of TV's Nashville returns to Adelaide with a brand new concert after a sell-out, ★★★★★ (Glam Adelaide & SeeDoEatReview) Fringe debut in 2021.

Rainee's played everywhere from the iconic Grand Ole Opry to venues across the US and Europe, now Adelaide Fringe can catch this intimate stripped back set of Rainee’s original music and songs from Nashville!

"Overall, this performance was a wonderful hour of music and stories delivered by a stunning songwriter and performer. Fans of Joni Mitchell, blues and soul, or fans of the Nashville TV series should definitely take advantage of any future opportunities to see Rainee Blake."
★★★★★ Glam Adelaide

"She blows you away with beautiful stripped-back tunes [&] breathtaking vocals that you just can’t help but enjoy."

★★★★★ SeeDoEatReview 

Presented by: Preachrs Productions