This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2023 season. This season is now over.

A man with short brown hair looks off into the distance with a big smile on his face. He wears a leopard print suit, is holding orange flowers on his chest and stands in front of a yellow background.
A performer with short brown hair and orange yellow headband is standing on a dark stage. They are wearing an orange plaid suit and there is a clothes rack full of orange clothes behind them. Their right hand is raised above their eye line holding a bunch of grapes that dangles in front of their nose. They appear to be sniffing the grapes.
A performer with short brown hair and orange yellow headband is bending forward on a  dark stage. They are wearing an orange plaid suit and are next to a clothes rack full of orange clothes. Their right hand is raised by their head and they have a shocked or inquisitive look on their face.

Poncho: Keep it Up!

Comedy • Clown
Queensland • SA Premiere

With an orange flavoured zest for life, this Latino-lovin’ buffoon liquifies the English language so you can slurp its runny honey gooey goodness down into your insides, transporting you into his world of play, love and… self help?

Poncho Takes you on a sensual yet consensual, absurd, and hilarious journey of storytelling and physical humour to deliver you the life advice you never knew you needed and show you the true meaning of being a lover in more detail than you’d imagine.

★★★★★ “With a grin that could slay the most conservative punter, Cabs brought out the best in the audience” RIP IT UP

★★★★ “What he is talking about here deserves to be heard by a wide audience” AU Review


Presented by: Dani Cabs

Dani Cabs is an Adelaide Fringe Artist Fund recipient - a multi-dimensional fun facilitator, based on the Gold Coast, who plays with dance, site activation, interactive/physical theatre and clowning to explore and strengthen relationships within community.

Dani was one of the inaugural ArtKeeper residents at HOTA on the GC providing funding and mentorship from Wesley Enoch to create a one-man solo show.

Poncho: Keep it Up! has toured to GC Laughs Festival (HOTA), Melbourne International Comedy Festival, a SOLD OUT run at Brisbane Comedy Festival, The Town (VIC), Woodford Folk Festival (QLD) and Fringe World (WA).

Previous works include Who is Dani Cabs? (Best Emerging Artist Nominee Adelaide Fringe 2015), Poncho Orange and Weekend at Barnie’s (Anywhere Theatre Award 2017).

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