This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2020 season. This season is now over.

Plant Based Disgrace

Music • Comedy
Queensland • World Premiere

We're the Daughters-In-Law you were warned about ten years ago. Now, we’re the uncomfortable plant-eating dinner guest with a twice pierced nose. Your brother’s new girlfriend who has a kid and “does theatre”. We're not that weird. Hear us out.

Between Sharmanee's sweet pipes and butter-wouldn't-melt face, and Jay's tongue-in-cheek lyricism about the struggles of being a single mom, you'll be dying to be best friends with your local Plant Based Disgrace.

Presented by: Jay Bloodsworth Productions

Long-time artist, Jay Bloodsworth, has been making theatre since beginning her own company in 2013, at just 18 years old. With most of her work based on real events; Jay has a personal interest in mental health and parenting, and will celebrate her 10th year in therapy this year. (Thanks Mum, the shrink's a winner, and so are you.)
Jay lives in Brisbane with her two year old son, and their dog, Hanna.