Pinter at the Pub

Theatre and Physical Theatre • Comedy
South Australia
The Dumb Waiter and then some... Britain's most influential modern writer is noted for his Comedy of Menace. Laugh along and then squirm, grimace, you'll be drawn into an absurd universe - lawless, disturbing. Black Cat is back with a few twists and turns. Directed by Andrew Jefferis. Pub offer: Buy a full meal, show your ticket for a free wine or beer. Enjoy a pint with Pinter.

Harold Pinter said that "One way of looking at speech is to say it is a constant stratagem to cover nakedness".

After our success in 2019 with "Chekhov at the Pub" we have continued the Literary Pub theme with "Pinter at The Pub". We examine language taken literally and language that seems explicitly obvious but actually serves to cover up a character's motivation. A point of similarity between Pinter and Chekhov

Presented by: Black Cat Theatre

Black Cat Theatre is a colourful ensemble who work at jobs by day but meet at night like moths attracted to sparkling scripts to develop their productions. We use our own resources for design, illustration, costume, set, lighting and music with just enough production values to justify performing in the back room of a city pub for an affordable but great night out. We are supported by the Kings Head Hotel for rehearsal and performance venue. We always ask the following questions: Is it well written? Are the characters finely wrought? What does it all mean? Is it a new genre for us? Can we produce beautiful art? Might the audience love it? Is it worth spending six months of spare time with each other for it all? Can we break even? Will everyone have a fun and maybe memorable evening?