Peter Green - More Jokes About Seagulls And Sheep - A handsome man with a seagull touching his face with its wing. Two sheep are looking over the man's shoulder.

Peter Green - More Jokes About Seagulls And Sheep

"Like a Gary Larsen cartoon come to life."

Peter Green has been delighting stand up comedy audiences for more than 35 years with jokes that are both clever and laugh out loud funny. Incredibly this is his first show at the Adelaide Fringe and you don't want to miss this rare opportunity to watch one of Australia's smartest comedians in action. As well as taking away a sore belly from laughing so much, you'll also learn a little bit more about the history of cling wrap, bubble wrap and aluminium foil. Plus what is the connection between Albert Einstein, Toblerone and French strippers? And lots of jokes about seagulls and sheep.

Recent audience reviews: 

"Peter Green what a funny bugger" Darlene

 "Loved Peter’s jokes about the sheep and seagulls" Leah

"Peter Green f**king hilarious" Gareth 

Comedy • Stand-Up
New South Wales • SA Premiere
Tue, 04 Mar - Thu, 06 Mar
50 min
The Piglet (open-air) at Gluttony - Rymill Park
M (2 Warnings)
$20 to $30
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details